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Ningxia's cumulative outgoing power exceeded 700 billion kilowatt-hours, including nearly 80 billion kilowatt-hours of new energy.

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Ningxia's cumulative outgoing power exceeded 700 billion kilowatt-hours, including nearly 80 billion kilowatt-hours of new energy.

Ningxia's cumulative outgoing power exceeded 700 billion kilowatt-hours, including nearly 80 billion kilowatt-hours of new energy.

January 30, 2024

On January 18, data from the Ningxia Power Trading Centre showed that as of 0:00 that day, Ningxia's cumulative outgoing power reached 700.2 billion kWh, breaking the 700 billion kWh mark in one fell swoop, equivalent to the in situ conversion of 280 million tonnes of standard coal, reducing emissions by 700 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, 190 million tonnes of carbon dust, 10.5 million tonnes of nitrogen oxides, highlighting Ningxia's energy transition to low carbon, helping energy green low-carbon and efficient use of energy, highlighting the practical achievements of Ningxia's low-carbon energy transformation and fuelling the green and efficient use of energy. According to the calculation of 947 kWh of electricity per capita per year for China's residents in 2022 announced by the National Energy Administration, 700 billion kWh of electricity is enough to support the country's 1.4 billion population for 192 days.

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Ningxia, as an important sending end of China's "West-East Electricity Sending" strategy, has rich coal, solar and wind energy resources. 2023, Ningxia actively play the role of inter-provincial power market, scientific scheduling, fine operation and maintenance, increase inter-region and inter-provincial power support, cumulative total organisation of 335 outgoing transactions, the annual outgoing power 877 billion kilowatt-hours, ranked fifth in the State Grid provinces to provide outgoing support for the Hangzhou Asian Games, the Chengdu Universiade. The total number of outgoing transactions organised is 335, and the amount of electricity sent out for the whole year is 87.7 billion kWh, which is ranked fifth among all the provinces in the State Grid network, and it provides outgoing support for the Asian Games in Hangzhou and the Universiade in Chengdu, and helps the national electric power supply guarantee "one board chess".


It is understood that in Ningxia sent 700 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, new energy power reached 79.5 billion kilowatt-hours, accounting for 11.4 per cent of the total amount of electricity sent to the "14th Five-Year Plan" end of the Ningxia-Hunan power transmission corridor is completed, this ratio will be significantly increased. Ningxia in all efforts to ensure that the carbon peak carbon and the goal of achieving the process, innovative implementation of the "wind and fire" bundled transmission, new energy power transmission scale growth year by year, achieved by the transmission of "fire" power to the transmission of "green" power transformation, to put the "fire" power to the "green" power. The transformation of electricity from "fire" transmission to "green" transmission has been achieved by sending clean energy from Ningxia to the whole country, contributing to the construction of a new type of energy system and the promotion of high-quality development of energy with the wisdom of Ningxia and the Ningxia programme. It is particularly worth mentioning that in 2023, the State Grid Ningxia Electric Power Co., Ltd. flexibly carry out energy for capacity, flexible trading, new fire bundling and other transactions to promote the new energy transmission and consumption of 13.7 billion kilowatt-hours, improve the new energy transmission ratio of 35 per cent, reduce the new energy abandonment rate of 2.5 percentage points, to ensure that the new energy power annual utilisation rate to remain at more than 97 per cent.


Ningxia in-depth implementation of the national energy strategy, relying on the national unified power market, has built and put into operation Ningxia to Shandong, Ningxia to Zhejiang, two power transmission "artery", and in the construction of the third Ningxia to Hunan power transmission channel, in order to ensure the reliable supply of electricity in Ningxia, at the same time, will be the power through the DC transmission channels continue to be sent out! Sent out, power trading also by the initial Shandong, Zhejiang extended to the current Shanghai, Chongqing, Hubei and other provinces, to protect the power needs of North China, East China has played a positive role, but also to achieve a high quality of the new energy in Ningxia in the local consumption and the optimal allocation of a wide range of power, and vigorously promote the transformation of the resource advantages of Ningxia to economic advantages, creating various types of economic benefits of more than 160 billion yuan for the local Ningxia, increasing employment of more than 60,000 jobs. More than 60,000 jobs have been created.


In order to do a good job in the lean operation and maintenance of the existing two DC transmission channels and improve the efficiency of power grid utilization, State Grid Ningxia Power Co., Ltd. has set up a science and technology innovation centre and a DC innovation studio to make scientific and technological innovation a source of motivation to promote the high-quality operation and inspection of the DC system, and has independently researched and developed a variety of intelligent robots, drone carriers, a full set of anti-falling foot pegs, rope devices, drone nests, and related intelligent platform software systems, and continues to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements projects into applications on the ground. Promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements project landing application, through the transformation of scientific and technological achievements "last kilometre", and further promote the management of lean and control intelligent. Continuously promote the transformation and upgrading of power-carrying operation technology and equipment, applying helicopters, "drone +" mode, "small flyer" rope-type electric lifting device, electric wire walking device and other new technologies and new equipment to carry out power-carrying operations, digitally empowered power-carrying operations to run out of "acceleration". "Acceleration", and constantly improve the equipment defects, hidden danger of the discovery rate, promote operation and maintenance mode to the "machine instead of man" change, go all out to guard the DC channel "zero tripping" target.



At present, the energy availability and operation efficiency of the two DC channels in Ningxia are among the top in the country, and since the commissioning of the Ningdong-Shandong project, the annual energy utilisation hours have been maintained above 6,000 hours, and the average energy utilisation rate of the project has exceeded 80% for nine consecutive years, which is ranked first in the country. The annual energy utilisation hours of Lingzhou-Shaoxing project have been kept above 6,000 hours since 2017, and the full-power operation during the peak summer and winter this year has reached a record high, which has strongly supported the safe and stable use of electricity in the East China region, and has played the role of a "Great Power Heavy Instrument" in guaranteeing the safe and stable supply of energy in the whole country.



Nowadays, the power transmission channel from Ningxia to Hunan is under construction in full swing. As the country's first to develop the Ningxia desert photovoltaic base, delivery of new energy-based ultra-high voltage transmission channel, will bring the third major development opportunities for the Ningxia power grid. When Ningxia third "air highway" completed, Ningxia is expected to send 40 billion kilowatt-hours of new power, will fundamentally solve the problem of new energy grid consumption in Ningxia, help Ningxia to promote the full range of green, reduce coal, carbon reduction, to break out of a road of energy transformation. The project is expected to save 6 million tonnes of standard coal consumption each year, emission reduction of 16 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, the annual transmission of direct revenue of more than 4 billion yuan, while pulling the Ningxia power investment of more than 100 billion yuan, not only for the energy transition in Ningxia to contribute to the power grid, but also for the country to promote a fundamental change in the way the use of energy, to achieve energy security and green low-carbon development of the first pilot contribute to the power of Ningxia.

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